October 2015

In spite of the earthquake, WAWCAS women still repay their loans.

The earthquake shook everyone in Nepal, but it did not stop the program or the women’s diligence. The repayments are continuing as usual. Despite the many challenges due to the earthquake the last few months, WAWCAS is still going strong. This October, 200 new women have been signed up to the WAWCAS program. They have been allocated into eight different groups. We are very happy to

In spite of the earthquake, WAWCAS women still repay their loans. Read More »

WAWCAS and FORMUEPLEJE are to enter a three year collaboration agreement

The asset manager of FORMUEPLEJE has chosen to enter into a three-year collaboration with WAWCAS International. FORMUEPLEJE will be an active partner — not only financially, but also in advice and discussions about the development of WAWCAS International. Claus Hommelhoff is the founder and entrepreneur behind FORMUEPLEJE, which is Denmark’s largest independent asset manager. He

WAWCAS and FORMUEPLEJE are to enter a three year collaboration agreement Read More »

Visit from Nepal

In September, both Project Director Sangeeta Shrestha and Program Manager Sirish Shrestha travelled all the way from Nepal to Denmark to work together with Nina and others involved with WAWCAS. September was a month full of presentations, workshop, and meetings. All of our sponsors, volunteers, and the board had the opportunity to meet up with

Visit from Nepal Read More »

WAWCAS Workshop creates unity and visions for the future

In connection with Sangeeta’s and Sirishs’ visit to Denmark, WAWCAS International held its second workshop in the organization’s history – an event where the Board of Directors, volunteers and sponsors gathered to discuss and develop new visions for WAWCAS together. When the Board of Directors, volunteers and sponsors gathered on September 7th for this year’s

WAWCAS Workshop creates unity and visions for the future Read More »