NEPAL NEWS: Amazing training

Meera Rai, chairperson of the newly formed group from Kapan, was very happy after the completion of the 7 Days Training. She shared that she is very happy to learn many useful things, which has boosted her confidence to start up the business. The training was conducted from 12th to 18th of December 2014. Meera Rai expressed her thoughts saying that “it is so amazing that we all learn through playing, discussing, sharing and listening. I never thought before that we can learn so many things in seven days training in a fun environment.”

She also expressed her gratitude to all team members for selecting her as  chairperson for the group, which means a lot to her. She shared that she will commit herself to fulfill her role as a chairperson, while also making sure that her team members will play a vital role in developing an effective WAWCAS group.

Meera is dreaming about her team and herself. She says: “One year from now, that is next year when you will open our diaries, we will be proud to share many good things with other team members”.

The training was concluded with giving thanks to each other, and promising to support each other whenever needed and starting the business as per plan from the next day.

Amazing training 1             

This story was written by Sangeeta Shresth the 18th of December, on the basis of the discussion she had with Meera Rai during the training.