Time goes so fast. It’s been 11 years, I’ve gotten married and my son is almost 5 years old but I did not register my marriage nor my son’s birth. I never thought that official registrations were very important. I learnt this at our IBT class. During the training, we were told we must register births, deaths and marriages, then it would be easy for a child to enroll in school as well as to get citizenship, as to obtain this you need to show a birth registration certificate. After the training my inner eyes opened and I decided to go back to the village, even though I was there during the Desain festival.We went to the village. Our parents were happy to see us, others were surprised. Why had we come back to the village? I explained and approached the local authorities for certificates. My younger brother–in–law helped me fill out the forms and other necessary documents. I felt really happy when I got the certificates, as if I had won the lottery. I called Binita and told her we had received our birth registration certificates and marriage registration certificate. She was so happy when she heard this she even congratulated me for this work done.