Review Meeting, 1-3 December 2015 with WAWCAS team

By Sangeeta Shrestha, Program Director in Nepal

Despite all problems in Nepal with blockade of the Indian border and no food, gas, medicine and earthquakes still going on, the whole WAWCAS team gathered from 1st – 3rd of December 2015, with a Program running 3 full days. All the team members presented the status of their groups including challenges and achievements.

During this quarter 175 women finished the Preparation Phase training and have received loans. Repayment of loans in general is 100%. 5 women have started mushroom businesses as a side business in Lamjung with technical support from Kiran, WAWCAS technical assistant on Farming. Another focus on the meeting was discussions about how to support and inspire the women to maintain quality in terms of foddering, keeping and cleaning the farms and all other businesses too.

The last day of the review meeting was held at my house in Bhaisepati. We had many serious discussions and also fun. Everybody enjoyed a lot to be together. Detailed three months plans were developed district wise and LPL wise.

The review meeting was concluded with a shared strong commitment to work with the women groups and to change their life into being sustainable and interdependent in the group.

Kiran and Keshav
We recharged our inner battery again. We had a wonderful time. Kiran, Technical Assistent and Keshav, Teamleader, Lamjung.
WAWCAS team is top motivated to continue to start new women in the WAWCAS Program.