As usual there was a lot of discussions during training today. We learned a lot about the ways to grow our business and to make it more sustainable in order to ultimately improve our living standard. Samjhana explained to us that if our one business is doing good and generating income, we should think about expanding with another business. In this way we have various sources of income and do not have to depend on only one business. When we add new businesses and grow, we do not get in financial trouble – if one business is not generating profit, we can rely on the income of the other business, and our profit can be more stable. Based on the training, I have made a vison of what I want to do for the coming three-year period. I have also prepared my three-year plan based on my vision.
My business of goat farming is successful, and it is a stable source of income for me. My son is living outside the village and does not live with me. Having a business fulfilling my basic requirements like food, clothing and shelter was enough for me. I did not have big visions and dreams, and my business of goat farming was fulfilling the basic needs of my life. I was satisfied with whatever I earned. However, after this training I feel that I have to expand my business. I have an idea. I have a small piece of land which I can use to grow vegetables by using goat manure. In this way one business of mine can support the other. The vegetables that I will grow will be organic, and advertising this, I can easily sell it in the market, as there is a great demand for organic vegetables in the market these days. I think that I have the time for both the goat farming business and vegetable farming. In the daytime, I will take the goats to graze in the forest. During the morning and in the evening, I will have time to the vegetable farming. In this way, I will have various sources of income which is stabilizing my economy.
Samjhana also emphasized the importance of the fact that while doing any kind of business, the profit cannot be spent on buying personal things. Only from the profit we can buy personal things, but not from the money that is raised after sales. If we spend the money from sales for our personal needs, then it will not be good for our business. In order to have a good living standard and quality of life, we need to generate good profits by working hard. Samjhana also mentioned that this concept is called the Business Entity principle. I will be very focused on this in the coming period and implement it into my business. I was not aware of this, so it was a new and very useful knowledge for me.
I have become more confident with today’s knowledge that I will be a good and successful business women by making good profits. Now, I also have the courage to start one more business, and I believe that I will set a good example to other women in my society.