Part 13 – Effective Learning on IBT: Child Development

February 2023

At first, Namaste to all my readers. Talking about my current situation, I am doing fine with my Goat Farming business and with my new additional Bee Farming Business. My Husband is helping me to run both businesses very smoothly. We are very happy to announce that we are running our own businesses by ourselves.

Today I am going to share my learning and experiences regarding child development through IBT (Issue Based Training), which helped me to be a better mother.  When Sajan asked us how we wanted our children to be, everyone said good things about their children. Sajan concluded that everyone wants improvement for their children but just wanting is not enough. It depends upon our behavior towards our children. When you sow the seeds of wheat, you cannot grow rice. Likewise, the good future of the children also depends on our behavior. Sajan told us what behavior towards our children we should do and what behaviors we should avoid.


Behaviors that should be done:

  • Appreciation and Encouragement.
  • Love and Affection.
  • Provide time to play games.
  • Inform children whenever leaving home.
  • Only telling them why certain things should not be done is not enough. The reason why they are not to be done should also be explained to them.
  • Make it a habit to share our food with those who are in need.
  • Give time and praise your children hard works.
  • Teach them to help poor and support people who are in need.


Behaviors that should not be done:

  • Should not discriminate between children. This results in development of inferiority complex in the discriminated child.
  • Should not ask children to do work in return of things like biscuits, chocolate, money etc. Later, children will not do anything without expectation of any returns.
  • Should not praise a single child. This will result on development of arrogance towards the other child.
  • Should not promise children for anything that cannot be fulfilled. They may lose confidence and trust towards their parents.


The training was very fruitful and as a mother, I never think that way. I was very surprised. Because I realized that I never praised my kids and always makes promises which I never fulfill. I felt so bad, and I committed myself to never do this again. After the training, I went home with lots of feelings, and I shared them with my husband. We both have started to praise our kid and listen to what they say. We also explain to our children how important it is to serve needy and poor people. And they listen so attentively without asking any questions. After the training, we changed our behavior toward our children, and they are very happy whenever we praise their works and listen to them.