Part 13 – A self-actualization tool PSRP

February 2023

After the IBT training, Pabitra informed us that she will come to our houses and conduct PSRP1. I have learned many things through IBT (Issue-Based Training). My life has changed a lot and very honestly speaking it was not easy for me. When I look back over the past months, I am not the same Durga. I have improved myself, but still, there are areas to change and improve. In every IBT meeting, Pabitra teaches us different topics. Every topic is important and knowledgeable. But what I realize most is that only learning is not enough, self-realization and implementation is equally important.

PSRP helps me to review myself and understand how to look back and compare my life today with my previous life. It really inspires me to improve. Pabitra asks all the questions regarding IBT topics such as nutrition, sanitation, child rights, women’s rights, and gender. All the topics, which we have completed. I like that I have a chance to show her my real field and I have the opportunity to show my changes and improvements.  After the self-review, Pabitra and I came up with the following list of all my improvements to date: I keep records of income, expenses, and savings, and I can make decisions and work by myself. We also added the ability to balance diet and keeping the shed clean and good customer treatment. In fact, I have been following every rule of the WAWCAS group. I have improved a lot of things. And this is only possible by self-actualization. Without it, I cannot be able to establish myself as a whole person, develop my abilities and understand myself.


1PSRP: Participatory Self-Review Programme