My name is Sunita B.K. I’m 31 years old and from Rainas Municipality 6 Dhamilekuwa, Lamjung District. I live in a small house with a small family of 4 members. I work as a gardener at the small park of Naya Pauwa, my husband works a manual labor job and my two sons are studying at a government school. The elder one is studying in 6 grade and the small one is studying in 4 grade.
I have been struggling since I was 16. At the age of 14, I got married to an inter- cast (Kami) person which is also called lower cast in Nepal. My family and husband’s family were against our marriage. We did not get any support from them as well as relatives and neighbors. I felt so depressed and demotivated. My economic condition is very poor. At that time, I was studying in grade 6 so I had a lack of awareness and don’t know the right path as no one was supporting me. I took a wrong decision. I still regret my decision.
We stay in a small hut in others’ land because we do not have our own land. However, time passes as always, my husband started changing his behaviors he did not look after our kids, drinking alcohol, make relation with other girls are his daily routine and totally unsupportive. I was the one who became the backbone of my family. I started do things alone to feed my family.
I used to wish there is an organization that will help me to change for a better life, and then I heard about the WAWCAS program implemented by Slisha from Sita Ghimire. I had no idea about the organization and its objectives. I was very curious to hear about the program. I participated in the meeting where I got chance to meet three young female leaders from the WAWCAS program, Tribina, Ganga, and Andika. They share the information about organization and program. I liked the program very much. It sounds very effective and productive. I asked if any member didn’t pay back the seed money and group loan what will we do? Tribina replied we are not like a finance institute each woman has to start the business and must pay by themselves. So, there will be no risk to staying in the WAWCAS group. In the group, each woman will support each other whenever needed; this support could be advise to business, practical help, intermittent stop of repayment, access to money from group savings etc. I was so impressed about program. I liked the concept of 7th and 4th days training, business and IBT* training facilities, free veterinary services and child group formation. In child group, our children will learn to be visionary and responsible citizen.
I asked Tribina how many members are needed to form a group? She answered twenty to twenty-five members. In addition, I told her we really need this type of program. The criteria and objectives of WAWCAS are for the women like us. And also, I said to her I will inform all the women around me about the program. Tribina showed us many books of other WAWCAS women who are successful to change their life through this program. That was inspiring for me and other women. She said to go to our family, think about the program, and share with the family members. After the discussion, we thank them, confirm the second ISM* meeting, and went home full of thoughts.
Notes: IBT is Issue Based Training, ISM is Information Sharing Meeting
Dear Readers,
I’m Tribina Budhathoki, writing this blog after discussions with Sunita Magar B.K . This is the very first time of my blogging experience. I’m really excited to blog with her for the sixteen months where I will update her experience as a WAWCAS group member, her ups and downs through her business, changes in her daily life. She is a very strong and hardworking woman. I am confident that I will change her life as she expected. I hope you are reading and enjoying this blog.
Thank you!
Yours sincerely, Tribina Budhathoki, LPL, Lamjung