9: Encouraging meetings after the lockdown

I was wondering when our meetings would be held, but I felt relaxed, because Sajan called me every week asking for any updates and told me that our meeting was postponed. He also informed me that the meeting would be held, once the lockdown comes to an end. Finally, after about four months, I was informed that we would have our meeting this month (July). The meeting was held as per our regular schedule.  While we were waiting, Sajan called us and told us that Sajan and Pabitra would arrive late, because they were stuck on the way due to the landslide and flood, so they had no other option than walking. After almost two hours, they arrived at the meeting. Before starting the meeting, Sajan asked us all how we were and told us that he was very happy to see us all safe. Since most of us had not put on masks, he requested that we wore masks at meetings and when leaving our homes. Before conducting the meeting, he asked all of us to maintain a social distance, so we sat one meter from each other. Since we were 27 people, Sajan asked us to split up in two groups to maintain a social distance, so that Pabitra and Sajan could run the meetings smoothly and systematically. During the meeting, we discussed how we can collect food packages from the ward office and collect wild fruits and vegetables.  Sajan also told us to pay our installment as per our capacity, since most of us are going through a hard time during the pandemic. The meeting proceeded quite smoothly, as I had expected. I felt happy to meet my all friends and Sajan after such a long time.  

I feel grateful towards Sajan and Pabitra for their hard work and for carrying out the meeting during this difficult situation, because we needed this meeting to take place. After the meeting was finished, we wished them a safe journey, because they had to walk two hours to get back. 

After the meeting I felt good and had more energy. I was discussing with my group members on the way back home how we got a lot of inspiration from Sajan, and we learned to be accountable.