Part 9: Look your throat before swallowing the bone

Among many new things, I learned many new things and new experiences after being a member of WAWCAS.  , PCA is the one. PCA is very new to me including everyone. During the training when we first conducted the PCA it was very new to us because we never keep a record of our income and expenses. During the discussion, it was touched my heart that we should expense as per our income otherwise we will be ruined by credits. Through PCA it shows clearly the picture of my income and expenses. I learn from this exercise was where have I spent unnecessary expenses, how do I minimize those expenses and it also shows where do I need to expense more.

Every three months we are conducting this exercise which has helped me a lot. I have minimized a lot through deducting expenses from mobile recharge and alcohol consumption.When we did PCA together with my husband he really realized how much money has he spent buying alcohols and he was shocked he himself started to minimize the alcohol consumption. We have realized that we have not to spend the necessary amount for my daughter’s education and we have spent more on my daughter’s education (buying stationary and for School tiffin). As a result, my daughter’s education has been improved a lot. While doing PCA exercise with Keshav he always gives feedback and suggestions which has helped a lot of my life and open my inner eyes.  Through these exercises, it gives a vivid picture of our real income and expenses which has boosted us how to save more and earn more. After these exercises, I can manage more saving day by day. I will continue myself to do these exercises and it has taught me that look my throat before I swallow the bone. This exercise brings very positive changes in my life.