WAWCAS’ Core Principles
Support growth of each woman’s personal, economical and social resources.
Support growth of the women’s joint resources.
Collaboration with local authorities.
Strong commitment from each woman, and among the women, is fundamental for a change in their quality of life.
Strong and regular follow-ups to ensure results.
Transform dreams and hopes into meaningful
goal-oriented actions and results.
Strong conceptualization and consistency in the program.
Certified trainers to ensure quality, relevance and consistency in the program.
Regular data registration and analysis in the WAWCAS Datasystem.
Sustainable results and life changes through local and long-term training of skills and establishment of sustainable businesses.
Sustaining the ability to understand, claim, and pursue civil rights.
Children’s education as basis for long-term change in life conditions.
Legality and transparancy in all parts of the program.