Part 13 – SWOT

am currently doing well with my business since everything is slowly moving back to normal life. Even though the outside world seems normal, I have still been following the precautionary measures against Covid-19 which I have learnt in IBT Training from Sajan. I have been wearing mask and maintaining social distancing whenever I travel outside and use public transport.  

Today I am going to share my experience learning about the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT) analysisDuring the first 3 months of 1st Impl. I had so many weaknesses and bad behaviors such as weak economic condition, no eagerness to learn, shyness, short tempered, smoking, laziness, spendthrift etc. After looking at my SWOT form, Sajan told me that I need to improve my weaknesses and should reduce the bad behaviors. We also discussed the different techniques for reducing the bad behaviors and improving my weaknesses. He also informed me that he would come to my home after three months to discuss the SWOT to see if I am improving my weaknesses or not. Unfortunately, due to the lockdown and Covid-19 situation he was not able to visit my home, but I was still glad that he called me on the phone, and I could update him on how I was doing with my SWOT analysis. I told him that I was doing well with my SWOT and informed him that I have improved some of my weaknesses such as my spendthrift habit, I feel less shy and I have reduced the number of cigarettes I smoke.  

He also asked me to reduce my other weakness too. After spending almost one year in the WAWCAS team I have improved most of my weaknesses. My financial condition has also improved since I have sold 2 goats and I have also bought one small calf to expand my business. 

The lesson that I have learnt from this exercise was that at first, we should analyze ourselves rather than analyzing other people. In our lives we will all experience the four stages, i.e. Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. Everyone has good behaviors and bad behaviors. Similarly, in everyone’s life at some point an opportunity or threat will also present itself while carrying out business. Therefore, in summary, the main thing I learned from this exercise was that we should always improve and increase good behaviors in ourselves i.e. strength, and we should always reduce and slowly remove the bad behaviors i.e. weakness. Likewise, we should always grab the opportunities at the right time, and we should always tackle the hurdles that comes on our lives while carrying out our business.  

Lastly I would like to thank the WAWCAS Organization and Sajan for teaching us this very useful exercise.