Chetana Dhungana

 I am Chetana Dhungana. I live in Sundarbazzar Ward no. 3 (Chaynptta) with my husband and 2 children. My husband works as a farmer and my son 16 years old study in grade 10, daughter is 5 years old study in KG.

As usual, I was busy with my own business. I was feeding my goats and chickens, when I heard someone quarrel as usual, and therefore I left my work and ran to Kunti’s house. Kunti is a very active WAWCAS member, but she is suffering from the fact that her son always hits her. Whenever she suffers, we support her. Three months back when the son hit Kunti, we called the police and the son was put in jail, but after five days he came out and started the harassing and beating his mother again.

We are very sad about his behavior, and we have threatened him many times. He always promises to change his behavior, but he never does. We understand his situation, but the way he hits and harassing Kunti is very awful.  We have discussed the problem, but still the son is so aggressive towards his mother. We cannot control him, and therefore we called the Police, and they took him to the police station. This kind of violence can be seen in our community. I personally have not experienced such problems, and before I did not use to involve in other people’s problems. But after the IBT of domestic violence, I realized that there are different types of violence. Previously, I only thought that scolding or beating was known as violence. But due to the IBT I now know more about violence such as financial violence, mental violence, social violence, physical violence, sexual violence, and I know about our rights.

After the IBT of domestic violence, all the members discussed the problem and decided to have a meeting with ward members about the situation of domestic violence in the community and how to reduce it. The ward chairperson was very positive and promised to support us with whatever we needed. After the meeting, we felt so good, and now we are sure that we will be able to reduce the domestic violence in our community.

We are having our regular meetings, and the police came again to discuss domestic violence and laws about domestic violence. Now we know more, and now we also understand the rules which will definitely help to reduce domestic violence in the future.

The WAWCAS program brought a big change into our family’s life, socially as well as economically. I have seen other organizations in our village with different projects, but the WAWCAS program has really done a great job.  I am very happy that my wife has joined the WAWCAS program.

It has not only brought an improvement in our economic status, but also in many other ways. In the beginning I did not give much attention to the goat farming business, but my wife was so excited and very concerned about it. She has invested all our profits from the farming business, even our family savings, and she shares new ideas and all the things she learns from the WAWCAS group with me. I am so happy that I also got the opportunity of four days of training with WAWCAS. The training was about agriculture and animal husbandry. This training was very useful.

My wife shares many things that she has learned with me. She taught me why and how to make a record of our finances and our business. She shares everything that she has learned from business and social training with me. She explains to me how we should treat our children, about nutrition and many other things.

My wife shares her ideas of additional business with me. In the beginning I was not so sure about it. Last week Sworup came to our house for a home visit, and he discussed the additional business and the benefits with us. We thought about it, and now we have also started a poultry business which helps us even more. Now we have a goat farm, a buffalo farm and a small poultry farm.

Our business is going well. I can see the difference of my wife before and after joining the WAWCAS group. I am proud that my wife has her own business. Thank you WAWCAS.

Small efforts can make considerable changes. Through the time I have been involved in the WAWCAS program, I have learned many things. It has helped me to change the perspective of life. It has made me more aware and taught me many useful things. Before, I used to be a housewife, but due to WAWCAS, I now have my own business, I can help my husband with our financial income, and I know my rights and responsibilities. Everything I have learned, like all the Issues Based Training (IBT), PCA, Training, SWOT etc., are very useful and helpful and have changed our daily life.

During the training period, Sworup has talked about our strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunity. He told us that we have to build on our strengths, boost our weaknesses, defeat any threats and exploit our opportunities.

He also told us that he will check our SWOT every three months. But we have to do our SWOT analysis every month by ourselves. He also gave us a dairy. I started to use that dairy. Every month I make my SWOT analysis which has helped me to change my behavior and my business too.

Before the SWOT analysis I never thought about my strengths and weaknesses, but after the analysis I found that I have many weaknesses. As we discussed with Sworup, he told us that “we should change our weaknesses to strengths”. Firstly, I did not know much about time management, then Sworup gave us the idea about time management and helped me to make my daily schedule and register unnecessary time. He also taught me how to reduce it and change it into important work. This made me realize that small efforts can make considerable changes.

Before joining WAWCAS, I used to be very nervous when I havd to speak in public. During the trainings Sworup, together with the other staff of the WAWCAS program, made us confident to speak in public.  He helps me to be more confident.


After the IBT training about child development, it hit me what Sworup concluded about our childhood, that we loved observing new things, loved being loved and loved being encouraged. We hated to be scolded and beaten. But now we never miss a chance to beat and scold our children. Instead, we should take care of our children with love and affection and not by scolding and beating them. I asked Sworup if it was possible not to beat our children. He said of course it is possible, you just need to be aware of it.

Again, he emphasized that everyone wants their children to become good citizens. It is not enough just to want them to be better persons.  It all depends on how well you treat them, and how well you bring them up. How you bring up your children, reflects what kind of people they get. I was listening very carefully to what Sworup told us. Again, he told us that child development depends on two factors:

  1. Care and affection
  2. Environment

He focused on how we should behave towards our children

  • With appreciation and encouragement
  • With love and affection
  • With warm verbal contact
  • Give them a chance to play games
  • Inform the children whenever you leave the house
  • It is not enough to tell the children why certain things are not allowed, it is important to explain the reason why it is not allowed
  • Make it a habit to share everything they eat with others
  • Children’s voice should be heard
  • Inform the children about your own culture

Things not to do towards our children:

  • Not discriminate between our children. This results in development of inferiority complex in the discriminated child.
  • Not encourage our children to do work in expectation of returns (biscuits, chocolates, money etc.).
  • Not favorize just one of our children. This will result in development of arrogance and pride.
  • Not promise children anything that cannot be fulfilled. Later on, they do not trust you and may loose confidence in you
  • Not send children to buy alcohol and cigarettes
  • Not behave wild
  • Not quarrel in front of the children
  • Not create fear in the children
  • Not tell bad and horrible things to the children
  • Not smoke in front of the children
  • Do not embarrass children in front of others
  • Do not compare the children, this creates competition between the children

Children are normally excited and curious, if they engage in the same piece of work, till they complete it. 75% of the brain is developed when they are two years old. When they are six years old, the brain is developed 90%. Therefore, special care and attention is required during the first six years of a child’s life. To develop good manners in a child, they should be trained every day to help others. It would be helpful, if the child is reminded to help others before leaving for school, and later when they are back, they should be asked if they had helped anyone during the day.

On my way home, all the dialogues reminded me of my childhood, and I committed myself to not discriminate between my son and daughter. Previously, I used to not really give interest in my daughter’s studies. But now, after the IBT training, I always check how her study is going. I ask her if she has any problems, and this has helped my daughter to be more confident, and I have noticed it too.

All the discussions in the IBT training helped me realize that small changes can make a big difference.








Our greatest Festival, Dashain, was so near to come. This is our greatest festival, and people celebrate it with joy. Every home is cleaned and beautifully decorated, painted as an invitation to mother goddess. I was very confused about what to do. I wanted to be happy, but this Corona, situation kept coming back to my mind – what will happen? And how long will it take? If I get corona, what will happen? All the negative thoughts kept coming to my mind. I was trying to be in a joyful mood and enjoy the moment. Due to the Corona virus, this year Dashain was not as great as any other Dashain I have celebrated. Everyone celebrated with their family. I sold out my two goats for 26000. In this situation, due to the virus, we needed money, and these two goats helped me to celebrate my Dashain. My hands were shaking for a while when I held the money in my hand. My hard work had paid off. I felt extremely happy like having wings to fly. My daughter was so happy that we were going to have a new dress to wear when celebrating the Dashain. I could see a smile on my husband’s face as well.

I still remember the last Dashain, where my daughter asked me to buy new clothes, but I could afford to buy it for her. At that time, I had not enough money. That day I felt bad to see her sad face.

The situation at that time and this situation now really make me so happy that I got a chance to join the WAWCAS program. I am going to make more income through my business. In every Dashain, we used to go to my parents’ house to celebrate, but due to Corona, we celebrate Dashain in our house alone. But hopefully, the Corona pandemic will be over soon, and I will be able to do my business well and meet my relatives and parents again.


I have learned so much from the WAWCAS program. We have been educated to do business, and IBT has helped us solving social problems. The different training have helped us in our daily life, daily work, time management, change of habits etc. I can see the change in myself after having joined the WAWCAS program. I feel so lucky to be a part of this program. Among all the things I have learned, PCA (Pocket Chat Analysis) has really helped me in my daily life.

Before the training, I never used to keep accounts of the goods I bought or of any of my income. But since I have learned how to keep accounts of our daily supply and income, it has helped me in so many ways. In the seven days of training Sworup has given us the idea about PCA, its importance and how to use it. At that time, it was very hard for me to remember all the supplies I have bought, but after having learned about the PCA, I have experienced that it is very important to keep accounts.

During the training I learned that the accounts should be regularly updated by myself.
During the training, I got a schedule from SLISHA to register expenses and income on the date of the transaction, and now it is easy to keep account in the book.

We are supposed to make a PCA every three months. But I do my PCA every month. Doing this has helped me to reduce all unnecessary expenses, keep schedule on how much supply we need for our family, and it tells me when I am over my budget.  PCA has helped me saving money. By keeping this kind of account, it is much easier to save money, and it has also helped me managing my money. Before, whenever I had money for household supplies, I bought all the required things at the same time, but after keeping the accounts it helps me to know how much supply I need for a month. PCA have really helped me.

Now, whenever I buy any supplies, I have a habit of keeping accounts of the goods I have bought. Before the training, whenever I had money, I used to buy necessary items, and if I had money left, I used to save that money. But now I can easily calculate the money our household requires and save the rest of the money.

To be honest, nowadays I think twice before I go for marketing – is it necessary?

Before, in many situations I came home with things I strongly feel was not needed. Before I used to turn on the light in a room even though it was empty. Nowadays, I check twice before leaving a room.

I am happy to be in SLISHA. SLISHA has not only provided me with a loan, so I can run my business, but also helped me in a different way. SLISHA helped me to be a real business woman and taught me to deal with the various social problems through IBT.

Before the WAWCAS program, I was not fully aware of social rights and responsibilities, but after being a chairperson of the WAWCAS group, I have become aware of all these things.

The IBT has helped me in many different ways, i.e. fighting the Corona virus where it helped me me and my family to maintain a proper hygiene of ourselves and our surroundings.

Due to COVID-19 many things have been misbalanced in our area. Luckily, no one have been affected by the virus, but because of the lockdown most of the businesses have been affected. We have been short of food, and a consequence of this is increasing prices of supplies, and this makes it tough for all of us.

Being the chairperson, I am suggesting the members of the group to maintain a social distance and to take precautions to avoid the Corona virus. All supplies for the animals have stopped and are not available in the local market. Everyone is awaiting the end of the lockdown, so that we can all run our businesses properly again.

This information is written by Sworup Karki based on a telephone conversation with Chetana Maya Dhugana on June 11, 2020.

It feels like our meeting has been postponed for so long due to COVID-19, though we were in touch with Sworup during the lockdown. Finally, after four months we succeeded carrying through the meeting. Everyone seemed to be happy and energetic during the meeting.

I was so happy to see that everyone was doing ok and was healthy.

Finally, Sworup arrived at the meeting. He asked some of the participants why they were not wearing a mask, and he gave hand gel to all the participants and asked us to use it. He also told us to be cautious because there was still a high risk of virus, though the lockdown is over. There is still a high risk of transmitting the virus, and because the lockdown is over, we should be very cautious.

Before starting the meeting, Sworup requested all of us to maintain at least one meter of distance to the other participants during the meeting. It was a collection meeting, so savings were made, and some of the participants paid the amount of their loan.

Most of the participants had problems in their business due to the lockdown, but thanks to the idea of additional businesses, this helped us so much during this difficult time of COVID-19. Due to additional business we had extra income. Sworup encouraged us all to start our business again. Group loan was invested where necessary.

Before being a part of WAWCAS, we used to stay in the different other groups, but being part of this program, I can see the difference between us. Now we can easily conduct meetings by yourselves. We can even write a minute and take care of other things by yourselves. I have the confidence to run a meeting, and it has also helped me to run the meeting of our “aama Samuha”. To do all the activities of the meeting was tough, but when we practice, we will make a difference.

I really want to thank Sworup who always endeavours to make us more skilled and dependent.

Two days after the lockdown Sworup called me and asked me which problems we were facing due to the lockdown. At that time, I did not realize that the lockdown would last so long, but whenever Sworup called me, I felt good.

Due to the lockdown, many problems have been created. The main problem for my business was that there was not enough food for my animals as well as for my family. The whole village was suffering from this problem. Some of us got food provided by the government.

This is the most horrible period I have ever been facing in my life. This situation gives us bigger problems than the earthquake in 2072. We cannot get together with other people, but although I am working in the field planting maize. Sworup told me not to go out, that I should wash my hands and so on. Yes, I do wash my hands, but I also work in the field.

Although I am managing my business, other people have difficulties running their business, mainly poultry. But an even bigger problem is that some of them do not have enough food. Those who can help others are helping them, but everyone is in a critical situation. Sworup told me not to panic and to stay home with my family. Sworup called me every week to check up on our situation.

Thank you Sworup for encouraging and supporting us.

After a period of wonderful training, I was so happy and ready to start up my own business. The business that I was about to start up was not new for me, but after the training, it was different.

Now I know how I am going to start up my business, what materials I need and what it costs. I have my own plan and targets to fulfill. This is all thanks to our trainers that make me capable of doing business in a wonderful way.

Now I have learned about my budget, my capacity and how many goats I can manage. I also discussed this with my husband. He was very positive about this, and he was ready to help me.

I am so prepared for my new business. I have already built a shelter for the goats with the help from my husband and a worker.

On the second day, my husband and I went to different places to know about the fodder we need for the goats and to learn about the price of the fodder.

We discussed the situation with each other and were ready to start the business.

So, we bought the goats. I was so happy, and I had so many things in my mind. We brought the goats home, and I feel that I am the happiest person in the world right now.

I got perfect support and knowledge to be ready to start my own business.

After some days Sworup, our trainer, came to visit my house. He asked me many questions about how I started my business, where I had bought all the stuff, what the price was etc. I showed him the costs of the purchase of the goats and other stuff. He was happy that I had kept records of it all, and again he reminded me also to keep records of the cash flow in the future.

Then he moved on to the next house.

After having been selected to the WAWCAS program, more than anything, the training was so much on my mind. I was wondering what kind of training was going to be held, and what would I will learn from the training. All such questions filled my mind.

Finally, the day arrived. Our training was from 07.00 am to 12.00 pm. It was freezing cold, but most of the women wanted to have the training from 07.00 am, and therefore we decided to have the training in the morning.

I woke up early and did the household. My husband helped me doing the rest of the work. Finally, I went to the training.  Most of the women were already there including Sworup. After some time, everyone had arrived, and the training started. Sworup and another trainer started up the training. The trainers started to put a piece of paper on the back of each woman. On the papers there were pictures, and Sworup told us to find a similar picture. In this way we fould our partner, and it was fun. After this, Sworup told us to know the name, address, like, dislike and business we wanted to start the present in front. I told my partner that it was a funny introduction.

The training was very fruitful. During the training, I felt that it was totally based on us. Every topic, every story, and the games were very good. I learned a lot from the training. The best part for me was PCA (pocket chat analysis). I wanted to reduce my daily expenses, but I did not know how to do it, but from the PCA I was able to calculate my total expenses.

Now I know what my expenses are. It also helps me to plan the next month. Time management was also a good lesson to learn – being an individual, having many roles and to fulfill my responsibility, as well as time to invest and the importance of time. It helped me to know how and where to invest time. Which work should I give more and less priority. The story and its moral was the best for me. I was very happy to be a member of WAWCAS.

Using more examples in the training helped us to understand more. I was very inspired by the puzzle game, because every single piece played an important role in the total picture. We learned about the importance of the members in a group. This touched me a lot. By this puzzle game, I became aware of the value of the group, and how a single member is important to run the group smoothly and effectively. Every day I shared with my husband and children what I have learned. This helps me provide a good feeling.

The training has really helped me to bring change into my daily activities. Each and every day I have learned a new thing. This training helped me to know myself better. It helped me to know about my strengths, weaknesses, behavior, etc.

I am so happy that I got the opportunity to be selected in the WAWCAS program and got this training. On the last day, we all got money for seed, and while receiving the money for seed, I was so happy, and I promised myself to be a successful business woman.

The day I had been waiting for finally came. I finished my household and went to the meeting. Sworup had told us that today would be the final selection for the group. I was afraid that I would not be selected. But as Sworup had mentioned before, WAWCAS is looking for women like me, so I was very happy.

All the information I get about WAWCAS makes me even more wish to be a member of the new group.

I arrived at the meeting. Other women were already waiting for the meeting to start. They were as curious as me.

Finally, Sworup arrived. He smiled as usual and greeted all of us. Then after a while Sworup started the meeting. He welcomed everyone. First, he described the aim of making economic ranking – as one way to get an understanding of who can be a member of the WAWCAS group. Then he asked us to express indicators we know of being ultra-poor, poor, medium-poor and well off in our community, and he wrote down what we said. After that, he appreciated what we have said, and again he explained us about the meaning of ultra-poor, poor, medium-poor and how it is defined according to Nepalese standards and according to the World Bank. He told us that if a person does not have an income of USD 1.90 per day according to the World Bank, then he/she is regarded ultra-poor, and those who have an income of USD 3.10 per day is regarded poor.

The Government of Nepal defines poverty:

  • If a family does not have enough food for three months, produced by themselves from their own land, the family is regarded ultra-poor.
  • If a family has enough food for 3-6 months, the family is regarded poor.
  • If a family has enough food for 6-8 months, the family is regarded medium-poor.
  • If a family has enough food for 12 months, the family is regarded not poor.

Through Economic Ranking and our own and Nepali government indicators on poverty, Sworup made us realize which category each of us belong to.

I knew the answer already about myself, but some of the women were confused and not certain. Sworup explained again and helped them with their answers. Then he gave us a small piece of paper on which our name was written. He lined us up and we should place our name under the category each of us think we belong to. All the women started to put their name under their category, and I placed my name under poor, which is true.

Then again, he repeated for the confirmation. He already knew the status of everyone, because he has visited everyone’s house several times. Then he told us that only women who are ultra-poor or poor could be in the group. I was so happy that I was finally selected. Sworup also mentioned that only women who were present that day could be in the group. Then he gave us a piece of paper and told us to make a map showing where our home is located and how our surroundings are. He told us that this map should help others to find our house. He helped us make the map which included all our houses and what we have available around us.

Finally, Sworup mentioned that the next meting would be about Social Situation Analysis to get an overview of the social situation for each of us, for Sworup to plan relevant training.

We all looked very happy, but I am sure that I was the happiest one among all of us who were selected.

After the Information Sharing Meeting, the first meeting where we hear about the WAWCAS Program,  Sworup suddenly arrived at my house. I was busy in my kitchen. I saw Sworup standing in front of my house holding some white papers in his hand. He greeted me, and I asked him to come in for a cup of tea and told him to have a seat, while I was making the tea. I would finish my household chores, but Sworup asked my permission to enter my kitchen. I was a bit nervous, as my small kitchen was messy and dirty, but I allowed him to enter my small tiny kitchen. I gave him a small straw mat to sit on. Sworup is a very tall and big guy, so my small straw mat was too small for him, but he managed.

Sworup started our conversation very informally, and he asked me what I had learned about the WAWCAS program. He asked if I had shared it with my family. While he was asking the questions, I noticed that he was looking around everywhere. I informed him that I had already discussed it with my husband, and he was very happy for me to be a member of the WAWCAS program. Sworup nodded his head with a big warm smile.

He also talked to my daughter and asked her about school, grade, age etc. He also asked her why she was not in school that day. Then he reminded me again, that the program is not only for women but also for our children.  They must go to school.

Sworup talked to me for a while about my family members and how my in-laws behave towards me. How my husband behaves, and if he is helpful. But I have never shared my personal matters with other people, so I was scared to share this with him, and therefore I told him that we could talk about it during his next visit. He understood and accepted it. He also asked me whether I had thought about what type of business I would like to start. Actually, I had not been thinking about it, and I honestly told him that.

Sworup also asked me whether I had read the success story from another woman, which he had given to me at the first meeting. I had read it, and the story was so motivating. And finally he told me that the next meeting would take place in two days, and that the final decision whether I would be selected for the group or not, would be based on our economic ranking, which I did not know. But I am sure it will be clear to me during the next meeting, which I am excited about, and I look forward to that meeting.

I am Chetana Dhungana. I live in Sundarbazzar Ward no. 3 (Chaynptta) with my husband and 2 children. My husband works as a farmer and my son 16 years old study in grade 10, daughter is 5 years old study in KG.

Last week from ward member I heard about Slisha’s WAWCAS program and got to know that there will be a meeting next week, therefore, I have decided to participate in the meeting. I was curious and excited to know about WAWCAS program.

In the meeting, there was a two-person standing and waiting for people to come. After 10 min. waiting for the meeting was started with the introduction. Sworup gave a brief introduction to WAWCAS program. Sworup says the real meaning of WAWCAS and he focused that women’s work is not recognized therefore to recognize the women’s work the program name has been decided WAWCAS and he ask us how you all feel about it.  I really like the name WAWCAS when I listen to the meaning of WAWCAS from Sworup it touched my heart. He informed us that if you are selected as WAWCAS member you have to start a business. He also has shown different women’s stories I was so happy and satisfied by the words. This is what I wanted. Lastly, he asked our location and told us he will be in our house within 2 days.

Dear Readers,

Hello, I as Sworup Karki. I joined a slisha in 2019 January. I am so happy that I got a chance to learn a lot from the program. I wanted to thanks Chetana Dhungana to letting me to write a blog and for her time. For 16 months I will be writing her experience. Thank You.

Sworup Karki – Local Program Leader (Trainer); Lamjung.